Global UGrad Exchange Program, USA 2023

Global Ugrad

UGRAD Program: Unlocking Study Abroad and Cultural Exchange for Undergraduates


Embark on a transformative journey through the UGRAD Program, offering undergraduate students the chance to study one full semester in the United States. This non-degree program, funded by the US Department of State and administered by World Learning, aims to foster cultural understanding and leadership development.

Objectives of the UGRAD Program (H2): The UGRAD Program aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Cross-Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in American culture, interact with diverse students, and gain a deeper understanding of the United States.
  2. Leadership Competencies: Develop essential leadership skills and actively contribute to your community.
  3. Knowledge and Academic Excellence: Pursue academic excellence at renowned American universities, expanding your educational horizons.
  4. Building Relationships: Establish connections with US host communities and global counterparts for future collaborations.
  5. Global Communities Interaction: Engage with international students, broaden your perspectives, and enhance intercultural competence.


To qualify for the UGRAD Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age Requirement: Applicants must be over 18 years old.
  2. Citizenship: Applicants must hold citizenship in a UGRAD participating eligible country.
  3. Enrollment Status: Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at a private or public university.
  4. Education: Applicants must have completed at least 12 years of education (equivalent to a high school diploma).
  5. Return Commitment: Applicants must demonstrate a willingness to return to their home country upon completion of the program.


Selected participants of the UGRAD Program enjoy comprehensive benefits, including:

  1. Accommodation and Meals: Fully covered accommodation and meal provisions throughout the duration of the program.
  2. Tuition Fee: Full coverage of tuition fees for the semester abroad, relieving financial burdens.
  3. Monthly Stipend: Monthly stipend provided to support living expenses and additional costs.
  4. Round Trip Airfare: Round trip airfare from the participant’s home country to the United States.
  5. Related Expenses: Coverage of additional expenses such as health insurance, cultural activities, and academic materials.

Application Procedure and Requirements:

To apply for the UGRAD Program, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up and Eligibility Check: Create an account on the official UGRAD Program website and complete the eligibility check.
  2. Complete the Application: Provide personal information, including hobbies and interests, and outline community service experiences and scholarships.
  3. Essays: Statement of purpose (250 words) highlighting your qualifications, experiences, and aspirations as a participant.
  4. Letters of Recommendation: Secure an academic recommendation from a faculty member and a personal recommendation from a teacher or employer.
  5. Supporting Documents: Submit a copy of your passport or national ID card, official transcripts, and any certificates of achievements or recognitions.

My experience:

A Journey of Exploration and Lifelong Friendships

Participating in the Global UGRAD program has truly been a life-changing experience for me. Over the course of my semester abroad, Also I had the incredible opportunity to visit 16 different states and explore 21 vibrant cities across the United States. Each destination presented a unique blend of culture, history, and diverse perspectives, allowing me to broaden my horizons in unimaginable ways.


During my time in the program, I was fortunate to be placed at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. The campus provided an enriching academic environment, where I had the chance to delve into my studies and engage with passionate professors and fellow students. Moreover, the supportive learning atmosphere fostered my intellectual growth and encouraged me to push beyond my boundaries.

However, it was not just the academic aspect that made my experience unforgettable. It was the friendships I forged along the way that truly enriched my time in the Global UGRAD program. From the very beginning, I connected with fellow participants from various countries, sharing stories, cultural traditions, and dreams for the future. Together, we laughed, explored, and learned, forming bonds that will last a lifetime.

Through these friendships, and I gained a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives, breaking down stereotypes and building bridges of empathy and mutual respect. My best friends from the program have become my global family, and our shared experiences have shaped me into a more compassionate, open-minded individual.

Looking back on my Global UGRAD experience, also I can confidently say that it has transformed me in profound ways. It has taught me the importance of embracing diversity, seeking new opportunities for growth, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Above all, I am grateful for the memories, the lessons, and the friendships that will forever be etched in my heart.

To future Global UGRAD participants, I urge you to seize this incredible opportunity with open arms. Embrace the adventure, immerse yourself in new cultures, and cherish the connections you make along the way. The Global UGRAD program will not only provide you with an enriching academic experience but also open doors to a world of personal growth, understanding, and lifelong friendships.

For more details please visit official website:

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Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the UGRAD Program and embark on a life-changing semester of study abroad and cultural exchange. Immerse yourself in American culture, develop essential leadership skills, and establish lasting relationships. Take this chance to broaden your horizons and become a cultural ambassador. Wishing you the best of luck from us!

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